Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Faux-Miniature People

My attempt at the cool making-everything-look-like-its-from-a-miniature-model photo.  Its been failing so far, but I think its because I need to try editing different pictures.....oh well. more to come eventually.

Half Moon Bay -Feb. 15, 2010
Cafe Gratitude, Berkeley

Monday, December 27, 2010

Lightning Fast

"The first x-ray images of a lightning strike have been captured by a, well, lightning-fast camera, scientists say. The pictures suggest a lightning bolt carries all its x-ray radiation in its tip."  website

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad!

Its my Dad's birthday today! He's crazy, stubborn, lighthearted, generous, and knows practically everyone in Delano.  He's my Dad.  #1 Coach! #1 Dad!

And he loves this dog...way too much.  Brushes him literally at least 8 times a day.  Napoleon gets a bath before going to a holiday party to see his family.
  The final product.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010